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The Learning Organization

The Learning Organization

A learning organization encourages personal mastery and cultivates open feedback to see problems and opportunities on all levels. Some argue that learning organizations attract and retain more talents. Others say that there is a competitive advantage for an organization whose people learn faster than the people of other organizations. Here are 6 characteristics most have in common: They Cherish An Open Culture. Learning organizations encourage everyone to share information, admit to mistakes and practice giving and taking constructive criticism. Once the problem is found, they try to understand its root cause and fix it. To achieve such a culture: walls are removed, information is shared and leaders show their human sides. They Design and Implement: Feedback Loops Some establish 360 degrees surveys, in which people assess themselves, their peers and their bosses. Employees at 5-star hotels ask guests for their opinions. Top schools may videotape teachers so they can later study themselves. Some even make feedback a team effort. Before any new project, they all get together to kick things off. After the project, they meet again to share and reflect on what has happened. They Promote: Personal Mastery Employees try to achieve personal mastery in their fields. Once they become experts, they feel proud of their work, they are motivated intrinsically and they can create positive change wherever they are. For example, a cleaner might come up with an idea on how to save water and an accountant on how to save bank fees. The job of the boss is to connect all experts and give directions. They Plan for: Intelligent Fast Failure. When they build something new, they don’t spend time to make assumptions on paper. Instead, they create what’s called Minimum Viable Product, a simple prototype with only the core functions. This is then presented to users as early as possible to test what they think. Because it is imperfect, even friends give their honest opinions. The goal: fail fast, but collect intelligent information so you can improve while going forward. They Steal: Best Practices Picasso apparently said that "good artists borrow, great artists steal". Learning organizations study others, steal best practices and then implement them fast. The newspaper The Economists took advice from George Orwell; its editors never use jargon if everyday English works. Printing manufacturers stole the razor-and-blades business model from Gillette, selling printers cheap but ink expensive. They Cultivate: A Common Vision A learning organization prospers when all members share a common vision. That way employees can understand the importance of their role, connect the dots and develop systems thinking. When goals are clear, regulations can be reduced and people can create their own personal benchmarks of success. This reduces bureaucracy, authority, and corruption. Salesmen and author Zig Ziglar once wrote: "the only thing worse than training people and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay." At a learning organization, education happens as a side-product of working together, as everybody learns from each other to adapt to whatever the future might bring.

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RH IN SITU s'inscrit dans un cadre coopératif et est rattaché à la Coopérative d'Activités et d'Entrepreneurs (#CAE) ELYCOOP, ancrée dans les valeurs de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (#ESS).

Pour répondre de façon complète et performante aux besoins des structures qui font appel à moi, je mise sur les complémentarités avec des partenaires​ de grande valeur, et en qui j'ai toute confiance.

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Si vous avez un besoin spécifique, n'hésitez pas à les solliciter directement.

Assurance, Recrutement

3B Estelle Martinière

Pour détecter, révéler et fidéliser les collaborateurs des cabinets d’assurance


Assurance, Recrutement

Organisation, Stratégie


Pour structurer et optimiser votre organisation et vos processus


Organisation, Stratégie

Communication, Stratégie

Béatrice Bocquet Communication

Pour bâtir une stratégie de communication qui vous ressemble à la hauteur de vos enjeux


Communication, Stratégie

Médiation, Gestion de conflit


Pour aider les collectifs à construire ensemble des solutions concrètes pour dénouer les conflits


Médiation, Gestion de conflit

Gestion sociale, Paie

LCT paie

Pour externaliser votre gestion sociale et la paie


Gestion sociale, Paie

Ingénierie de formation, Formation de formateur

Savoir & être

​Pour apprendre à former efficacement vos équipes, de façon pédagogique et structurée


Ingénierie de formation, Formation de formateur


Alternative DSI

Pour déléguer tout ou partie de votre gestion informatique



Risques professionnels, Ergonomie

Arpège prévention

Pour structurer votre démarche de prévention des risques professionnels


Risques professionnels, Ergonomie

Développement professionnel, Process Com, Bilan interQualia, Bilan de compétences


Pour améliorer les relations interpersonnelles, les réussites individuelles et collectives


Développement professionnel, Process Com, Bilan interQualia, Bilan de compétences

Stratégie, Rémunération, SIRH


Pour bâtir votre stratégie de rémunération et digitaliser vos process RH


Stratégie, Rémunération, SIRH

Facilitation graphique, Intelligence collective, Communication

Le trait de Lou

Pour accompagner et faciliter l'intelligence collective par le dessin


Facilitation graphique, Intelligence collective, Communication



Pour trouver les meilleures garanties au meilleur prix en matière de protection sociale complémentaire



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